Waking Up To Destiny


Recently, a dear friend connected with me via Facebook and asked, “What happens when I wake up and know that what I am doing is not what I am destined to do?”  She is an accomplished professional, Ph.D., and has invested all of her resources in pursuing her current profession and has found that the woman she has become no longer “belongs” in the life that she desires to live.  I too had that moment when “destiny was calling” and I didn’t know how to begin to transition into the life I wanted. Here are a few things that I’ve learned along my journey:

Seize the Opportunity


Make no mistake, waking up to destiny can be disturbing!  It challenges everything you “thought” you were and what you thought was important.  It can cause you to doubt, and be fearful of your future.  But, look up… The fact that you are experiencing fear, doubt, or just may plain think you’ve gone crazy is how Dreamers know that they are on the right track and asking the right questions of themselves! Waking up to destiny  presents the greatest moment for you to seize the opportunity of living your dreams because it may be the first time that you are asking yourself who you “are” outside of what you “do.” It might be the first time that you’ve challenged your motives or been willing to take the risk of being unpopular.  This may be the moment when you “get it…” When you finally understand that your life is not “about you,” and that it is far more important for you to make a contribution in the life of someone else instead of pursing personal achievement.

Be Willing to Walk Alone


This was very tough for me!  I always knew that I didn’t “fit in,” and that there was something “different” about me.  My spirit was always soaring, dreaming, and believing for the impossible.  I couldn’t understand why everyone around me didn’t think like I did?  I didn’t understand why when I would share just a portion of my dream with someone I was in relationship with I would leave that conversation feeling ostracized and isolated by the comments and attitudes of others… After all “does it take all of that, and who does she think she is anyway?”  In exchange for me maintaining those relationships, I compromised my dream and delayed my encounter with destiny.  Yes, it was more important for me to be in relationship with people who play no significant role in my life today, than it was for me to live my dream.


I also was not prepared to have to renegotiate or even sever the relationships that were significant to me!  The moment that I began to truly walk into my destiny and purpose my presence became “offensive” to others.  Meaning, as you make a shift in your life and decide to live your dream, often you remind those closest to you of the dreams that they have “put on the shelf” and abandoned.  Make no mistake, those closest to you love you, and the relationship that they have with you is sincere.  However, be prepared for the moment when “things change” and don’t think that it is a strange occurrence.  Eagles fly alone for a reason! Not everyone is going to be able to soar with you as you wake up to destiny.  You must be willing to walk alone.


The “Process” of Destiny


Your destiny was established before you were born, this is simply the time that you have become alert to it an acknowledged its presence.  This is the time that you have decided to unveil what has been hidden.  I’ve learned on my own journey that there is no such thing as “wasted time,” or “wasted experience.” Every bit of what you have invested in yourself and in others has prepared and qualified you to wake up to destiny.  There might be the appearance of missteps, sidetracking (and even backtracking) but the collective of all those experiences has simply been your destiny process.


What’s next? Invest in Your Dream


Now that you know “you’re not crazy.” Investing in your dream is the most important step in waking up to destiny.  Again, this may be unpopular, go against family expectations, or even challenge previous assumptions you had about yourself.  But, “destiny is calling,” and although you may have identified what your new focus or passion is, it is your investment in your dream that will activate your destiny.  Yes, it will cost you time, talent, resources, and your beloved “sacred cows.”  But, wouldn’t you rather invest in what you were born to do, instead of settling for what you can do, or what others expect you to do?


If you identify with my friends dilemma (as I certainly do)… Congratulations, you have now officially become a Dreamer!  Your destiny is calling… Dream as if your life depends on it, because it does!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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