De-cluttering Your Life to Make Room for Your Dreams



As much as I enjoy the celebration of the winter months and the optimism that a New Year brings I welcome the renewal that comes with spring! This is the time of year when I do my “dream check” to evaluate my progress towards accomplishing the goals that I’ve set-out to achieve this year and be honest with myself about the areas where I’m on track, and the areas where I’m completely missing the mark. Absent of a plan and deadlines, I know that my dreams will remain “daydreams” if I don’t make room in my life to actively pursue achieving them. That is much easier said than done! With so many competing priorities that come with being a wife, mother, daughter, entrepreneur (and a sister-girlfriend too), I often end the day feeling like I have nothing left to invest in myself and question how I will muster enough energy to invest in my dreams.

My life is often cluttered with things that keep me “busy.” Some of the clutter is imposed on me by others based on their priorities, but the vast majority of the clutter is self-imposed. You might be able to relate to the stack of mail unopened on the kitchen counter, unorganized closet that I can never find anything in, the email inbox with one-thousand unopened messages, the relationship that emotionally drains you, and the constant urge to check Facebook for the latest as if it’s the social CNN. I find many things to keep me busy, but busyness can hinder my ability to be productive. As I’ve worked to de-clutter my own life to make room for my dreams, here are a few tips that will help you on your own journey:

De-Clutter Your Physical Space

This can often be overwhelming, so start small! Begin by taking 15 minutes per day to discard junk mail, file important documents, and prepare to donate old clothing and household items. If you are not sure what to do with those things you are holding on to “just in case” you need them, create a “just in case” box. If you have not used those items in that box after one year donate them. The key to de-cluttering your physical space is to follow the O.H.I.O. Principle – Only Handle It Once (shuffling your papers from one side of the desk to another doesn’t count)! Start small today, and you’ll minimize time-wasters caused by disorganization, and you’ll have more time to focus on the creativity your dream requires.

De-Clutter Your Mental Space

I have two smart phones, one tablet, one laptop, eight email accounts, two websites, and social media presence on five platforms. Each of those mediums is vying for my attention with beeps, chimes, and pop-up messages which can really clutter my mental space. Can you relate? To combat this, begin to approach each day strategically. Don’t let your day “just happen to you” by messages directed to you in your inbox! Prepare for each day by planning on tackling your top priorities first. Ask yourself, “What is the MOST important thing I need to accomplish today.” Strategically planning each day to complete your top priorities first will help you know what you should say “yes” to, and what you should say “no” to. Turn off the electronic chimes and automatic notifications and strategically focus on the activities and behaviors that are going to move your closer to realization of your dreams. Either you run your day, or your day runs you!

De-Clutter Your Emotional Space

Your ability to successfully cope with the stresses of life, determines your ability to realize and maximize your dreams. Each of us has been through periods in our life when transition has caused uncertainty, experienced personal failures, or been disappointed and let down by someone that we love. Those events can provoke the emotions of anger, fear, or resentment that creates emotional clutter and reduces our emotional capacity to pursue our dreams. Does past hurt or failure have you fearful to go “all-in” on your dream? Stop fueling those negative emotions by infusing yourself with positive and encouraging thoughts, using past failures as learning opportunities, and forgiving others who have wronged you. Your “feelings” are not an excuse for you derailing your dream. Even when you don’t “feel like it” keep moving forward toward achieving your dreams.

De-Clutter Your Relationship Space

One of my favorite songs is, “Bravo” by Ledisi which encourages me to “clap for myself” even when others do not. In my enthusiasm towards pursuing my dreams, I would often share my excitement with others only to discover that they had a discouraging albeit well-meaning response that started with, “Why would you want to do that….” I learned the hard way that not everyone is going to celebrate me as I transition from average to extraordinary and that not everyone shared my lifelong pursuit of personal growth. You too might find yourself being misunderstood by those you care about most as they explain to you how your dreams will never make it in the “real world.” De-clutter your relationship space by avoiding relationships with dream killers and focus on developing relationships with people that breathe life into your dreams!

Whether you begin to focus on your physical space, mental space, emotional space, or relationship space, begin TODAY to de-clutter your life to make room for your dreams!

Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic.

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